5.8 Preparing data for reports
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Outputting data to a report is the final stage of work. The data in CB3 is formed into cubes, and then information is taken from this object to form reports.
To generate data in the object, you need to create a rule using the CB Modeling Rule interface. More details about it describes in the 2.2 Modeling Rules paragraph.
Typically, reports are generated based on data from the plan, as well as from actual.
Go to the Modeling Rule interface and create a new Modeling Rule Group (MRG). In this group we will create two rules for generate plan to cube and actual to cube.
Make sure new group is created and hit "+ Add Rule" button for Plan data.
Fill the Name, for source select the Budget Line object as parent and CB Amount as child (this objects keep data of plan), CB Cube object as Result Parent. Add the Modeling Rule Lines for determine which fields generate as shown below.
Parent fields (GLA, Division, Name, Project) are taken from the Budget Line, and the fields (Period and Value) are taken from CB Amount.
After that add CB Account, CB Division and CB Variable 1 into the Keys field. These keys serve to further define the source object. Then save this modeling rule.
Modeling Rule for plan data is created.
To create rule for actual data hi the "+ Add Rule" in the current group.
Fill the Name, for source select the CB Transaction object as parent and CB Cube object as Result Parent. Add the Modeling Rule Lines for determine which fields generate as shown below.
After that add CB Account, CB Division and CB Variable 1 into the Keys field. These keys serve to further define the source object. Then save this modeling rule.
Make sure rules for generating data in the reports are created.
Go to the CB Home and run the process for generating this cubes.
After start process in the Event Monitor appears detailed info.
To check data after generation go to the CB Cubes tab and select ALL.